Cooling tower on skid for Kimitec

Cooling tower on skid for Kimitec

THE CHALLENGE Kimitec, the largest biotechnology centre in Europe located in Vicar, Almeria needed to install a closed water circuit cooling system where the plate heat exchanger acts as a transmission element between the cooling tower circuit and the process circuit of its chemical synthesis plant. Kimitec reinvents nutrition, allowing Read more…

Prepared for de-escalation

Prepared for de-escalation We are prepared for de-escalation: We have a protocol for managing the current health crisis aligned with the information and recommendations of the different Ministries such as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Osakidetza or Irekia of the Basque Government and others belonging to different Read more…


Cooling towers and noise

Noise in cooling towers In the world of industry, the minimization of all kinds of environmental impacts, visual or otherwise, drastically and increasingly mark any aspect of the company’s daily life. This is important in industrial companies, but much more so in service companies. Within these impacts, the problems associated Read more…


Cooling towers for RAI

PME-E Open Circuit Cooling Towers for RAI in Rome PME-E open-circuit cooling towers are part of the air conditioning system of the historic building of the Italian radio and television company, on Via Teulada 66, in Rome. The TV Production Centre (TVPC) has just celebrated its 60th anniversary: its viewers Read more…

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