Alchemist Series Adiabatic subcooler
Adiabatic subcooles of Alchemist series are designed to respond to the retrofit of HFC refrigerant systems (which carry high atmospheric heating potential) and / or to increase the efficiency of CO2 systems.
Technical data
Adiabatic cooling is based on the sensitive exchange between the liquid that flows inside the coil and the air that rubs the surface. Air is humidified before coming into contact with the coil to lower the temperature and increase the efficiency of the system even in the hottest periods. Alchemist combines adiabatic cooling with coolant undercooling to increase system efficiency. It is installed in each case downstream of the condenser and / or the cooler gas.
It has the following advantages:
- Electric savings compared to other gas coolers.
- Water savings compared to exclusively adiabatics solutions.
- All models are fully pressed. Equipped with an electrical panel (PLC that allows continuous optimization).
- Simple installation even in existing installations (retrofitting).
- The equipment is accessible for inspections and maintenance of internal components.
- Fans with electronic control.
- Finned coils. PVC humidifier pack flocked with high water retention capacity (very short drying cycles).
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for cooling equipments
Know the different references of the adiabatic subcoolers Alchemist series:

Adiabatic subcoolers installed in supermarkets
The use of Alchemist adiabatic subcoolers has proven to be excellent for increasing performance with low noise emissions. This is due to the fact that the adiabically treated air “cools” the refrigerant in the refrigeration circuit.